OpenAutism Health Picture

OpenAutism Health Picture is a beautiful and actionable visual representation of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) patient's health status, designed to increase awareness of the individual factors that can affect health.

Project Objective

Design an open source “picture” (set of services and visualizations) of an ASD patient that is accurate, timely, helpful, longitudinal, always-updating, includes life data, and informs patients and their care team of their ever-changing health status, care plan evolution, needed behavior changes, and next steps.


Eric Benoit, Sharon Lee, Craig McGinley, Jennifer Patel, Daniel Reeves, Parsuree Vatanasirisuk, Juhan Sonin


Understanding The Problem
ASD Background Research
ASD Care Planning
ASD Data Elements


Sketches, January 2019

Happiness Profile concept, January 2019

Whole Health concept, January 2019

Galaxy concept, January 2019

System architecture, January 2019